Sunday, December 18, 2011

कि शायद वो रुबरु होंगे!!!!!!!!!

कोई बात हुई थी  कुछ  दिनों  पहले 
किसी से मुलाक़ात हुई  थी  कुछ दिनों पहले 

एक  हम दम  सा 
एक  हमसफ़र सा 
कुछ जाना पहचाना  सा
बात  करके हमें लगा 
एक अपनापन सा

कुछ  दूर हम साथ चले थे उस दिन 
सोचता हू क्यों न ठहर गया वो  दिन 
क्यों  न  ठहर गया वह पल 
वह पल  जब हम साथ थे 
वह पल जिसमे  हम दोनों के जज़्बात थे 

कुछ तुम कह सके थे हमसे
कुछ हम कह सके थे तुमसे 

ना  लौट के आएगा  वह समां 
वह समां जिसमे उनींदा था आसमा 

बातो ही बातो में दिल खो गया  कुछ दिनों पहले 
फिर एक दिन  अचानक हुआ  कुछ
सिलसिला  वो  ख़त्म हुआ कुछ दिनों पहले 

कोई  कैसे  समझाए  उन्हें  
ऐ रूठे  दिल 
जो  हमसे  शायद नाराज़  होके  बैठा  है ,
कोई  कैसे  बताये  उन्हें  की  
जख्म  यहाँ  भी  उतना  ही  गहरा  है 
दर्द  यहाँ  भी  मुकम्मल  है ...

नादानी  न  थी  हमारी  पर  रुसवा  हुए  दोनों ,
गुस्ताखी  न थी  हमारी  पर  जुदा  हुए  दोनों .

दिल कहता  है कि  क्यों माने यह सारे बंधन 
क्यों करे परवाह हम किसी की 
यह दस्तूर  ये  रिवाज़ 
क्या जरुरत है इनकी 

अब  हमारे  हाथ  में  कुछ  भी  नहीं ,
हम  चाह  कर  भी  उन्हें  भुला  नहीं  पाते,
वो  अब  नहीं  है  हमारे  ये  खुद  को  समझा  नहीं  पाते ,
अब  बस  चलते  चले  जाते  है  उन  तनहा  राहो  पे ,
इस  झूठी   तसल्ली  से  कि अगले  ही  मोड़  पे  वो  हमारे  रु -ब -रु  होंगे ...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Because I Die Hard

If inquisitive would make us prudent
No eyes would ever gaze in point;
If all our tale were told in speech
No mouths would wander each to each.

Were feelings free from individual mesh
And love not bonded in hearts of flesh
No aching bosoms would yearn to meet
And find their exaltation consummate.

For who is there that lives and knows
The secret powers by which he grows?
Were cognition all, what was our need
To quiver and faint and sweetly bleed?.

Then quest not, sweet, the "If" and "wherefore"
I love you now until I be tore.
For I must love because I die hard
And life in me is what you accord

Friday, September 09, 2011


I walk in the dark to escape my shadow
I walk in rain to hide my tears
I walk in sunshine to celebrate my life
I sit beside the lake to find peace
I sit in silence to ponder
I scream aloud to vent out my anger.....
I love unconditionally just to see a smile
I hate just to realize how precious love was

I fly in the sky to know how small this world was 
I wondering what the last thoughts were
I realize how big is it when my close ones are far.....

Monday, August 29, 2011

बस लिखने के लिए कोई Topic नहीं है!!

ऐसा  नहीं  है  की  मै लिखना  भूल  गया  हूँ,
बस  लिखने  के  लिए  कोई  Topic नहीं  है!!

नए  नए  जानवर  आये  है  जंगल  में,
माहौल  एकदम  बदलने  सा  लगा  है ....

पुराने  जानवर  अपने  अपने  इलाको  पे  जमा के  बेठे  है  डेरा,
बन्दे  कहते  है  की  "ये  है  मेरी", बन्दिया  कहती  है  "वोह  है  मेरा"!!

Self proclaimed 'शेर' निकले  है  शिकार पर,
हम तो   बेठे  है  Room  पे  क्यूकि  हमें  शिकार  करना  आता  नहीं  है .....

ऐसा  नहीं  है  की  मै लिखना  भूल  गया  हूँ,
बस  लिखने  के  लिए  कोई  Topic नहीं  है!!

क्या  लिखू .. की  फिर  लेकर  मुझको  याद  आ  गयी  है  नानी ?
या  सुनाओ  तुमको  'चोर-पुलिस  की  कहानी ?

साल  हो  गए  'Hide n Seek' खेले  हुए  और  डाले  हुए  किसी  skit   में  चुन्नी,
याद  नहीं  आ  रहा  आखरी  बार  कब  इन  कानो  ने  आवाज़  सुनी  थी  "मुन्नी"!!

Seniors की  कमी  का  एहसास  Share करू ?
या  Professors के  बुराई करने  का  Dare करू ?

उनके  बारे  में  बताऊ  जिसके  पीछे  दुनिया  पड़ी  है ?
या  उनकी  दास्ताँ  सुनाऊं   जो  लगती  मुझे  सही  है ?

ऐसा  नहीं  है  की  मै लिखना  भूल  गया  हूँ,
बस  लिखने  के  लिए  कोई  Topic नहीं  है!!

चलो  कोशिश  करता  हू  की  कुछ  तो  सुनाऊं,
जो  जज़्बात  दिल  में  बसे  है  उन्हें  ज़रा  बहार  तो  लाऊं !!

एक batch चला  गया जिसकी याद तो आती है,
But ये  नए  batch   के  कुछ  लोगो  को  देखकर  चली  जाती  है !!

पता  नहीं  सही  में  मौसम  बदला  है  या  नहीं,
पर  मुझे  तो  यही  मौसम  सुहाना  सा  लगने  लगा  है ..

पुराने  वोही  X - cafe, X - street, Even Acad block नए से लगने लगे है ,
नए नए जो उगे है फूल उन्हें देखकर मेरे अरमान फिर से जागने लगे है !!

पता  नहीं  कौनसी  बार  पहला  प्यार  हुआ  है,
But ये  पता  है  की  Result   इसका  भी  होना  वोही है !!

ऐसा  नहीं  है  की  मै लिखना  भूल  गया  हूँ,
बस  लिखने  के  लिए  कोई  Topic नहीं  है!!

लोगो  ने  जब  दिखाया  तो  हम  बोले .. "अरे  ये  तो  बच्ची है"..
तो  चाचा  आके  बोले .. "अरे  नहीं  चाचा ..आज  से  यही हमारी चाची है"!! :P   

हमने कहा  की  अरे  भाई, इतना  जल्दी  न  करो,
तो वोह बोले .. कि  हम तुम्हारे  साथ  है  चाचा  तुम  आगे  बढ़ो !!

मैंने  सोचा  कि  चलो  इस  बार  तो  मै  कुछ  करके  ही  रहूँगा ,
बहुत  हो  गया  मजाक, अब  मै  नहीं  सहूंगा !!

बहुत  समझा  बुझा  के  अपने  आप  को  किया  ही  था  राज़ी ..
के  इतने  में  देखा  कि  इसमें  भी  साला  कोई  मार  गया  बाज़ी!!

दिल  को  तो  बोल  नहीं  सकते  थे  तो  Atleast दूसरो  से  ही  झूठ  बोलने  लगे,
"भाई  लोग  तुम  टेंशन  मत  लो , मुझे  तो  उसमे   Interest  ही  नहीं  है !!"

ऐसा  नहीं  है  की  मै लिखना  भूल  गया  हूँ,
बस  लिखने  के  लिए  कोई  Topic नहीं  है!!

एक दिन  फिर  आया  साला  दोस्त और  बोला  कि  "चाचा  हमने  एक  नयी  चाची ढूँढ  ली है ",
हमने  कहा  कि  "चाचा  अब  तुम  रहने  दो , इन  सब  से  हमने  अपनी  आँखे  मूँद  ली है "

वोह  बोला  कि  "चाचा  एक  बार  देखो  फिर  कुछ  कहना,
And पसंद  न आये  तो  चाहे  ज़िन्दगी  भर  Excel Sheet बनाते  रहना"

चाचा  का  दिल  रखने  के  लिए  मैंने  देख  तो  लिया  and she wasn't that bad,
मैंने  कहा  कि  "ये  सब  अपने  बसकी  नहीं  है " तो  ये  सुनके  चाचा  हो  गए  sad!!

किसी और  के  साथ  देखता  है  तो  चाचा  मुझे  खूब  सुनाता है,
अब  तो  साला  Junior भी  उसे  चाची  कहकर  बुलाता  है!!

चलो  अभी  तो  कुछ  सुनाने  लायक  था  नहीं , but पक्का  जल्दी  ही  कुछ  करूँगा,
फिर  लिखूंगा  जब  कुछ लिखने लायक  होगा ....अभी  तो  लाइफ  में  कुछ  Entertaining नहीं  है !!

ऐसा  नहीं  है  की  मै लिखना  भूल  गया  हूँ,
बस  लिखने  के  लिए  कोई  Topic नहीं  है!!
P.S.: This is a work of fiction and bears no resemblance to any person living or dead!!
         Many many Thanks to Google Transliterate. :)

Saturday, August 27, 2011


क्यों  कुछ  बातों  का  कुछ  भी  मतलब  नहीं  होता ..
क्यों  कोई  साथ  हो  कर  भी  करीब  नहीं  होता..
क्यों कोई  अनजाने  मे ही  अपना  बन  जाता  है ..
और  ऐसा  साथ  भी  हर  किसी  को  नसीब  नहीं  होता..
क्यों इन  सवालों  का  जवाब  हमें  नही  मिलता,
चाहते  हुए  भी  चैन  नसीब  नहीं  होता..
क्यों ज़िन्दगी  सिर्फ  खुशियों  से  भरी  नही  होती...
क्यों  हर  ख़ुशी के बाद ग़म की आंधी है  होती..

क्यूँकि.......अगर  हर  क्यों  का  जवाब  मिल  जायें  तोह  "जीने "  मे  कोई  मज़ा  ही  नहीं  होता

दोस्तों  से  पूछो  ये  क्या  एहसास  है ........
ये ही  क्या  कम  है ..... के  दूर  होके  क  भी  हम  इतने  पास  हैं...........

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The switch that divides !!!!!!

Does a flightless bird ever look up and wish to reach the sky ? Does a fluid ocean ever regret its least stable nature? Or does a mountain ,at times want to swing along the flow ? Well certainly they can’t , they cant move beyond what they actually are . Which means that there exists this most basic rule of nature which keeps  everything within their  deep-seated traits. A threshold like speed of light which sets the upper limit on ability and attribute !

 The threshold seems true for all natural entity equally. But what about us “the humans”? Does that bar applies on us too ? Well to b frank i have serious doubt about us being natural. Except for eating food ,peeing  frequently and having sex everything else has been enveloped by artificialness . well actually the basic activities motioned above too have been contaminated . So what about the bar then ? If we have moved out of the natural domain why would be under any natural threshold ? SIGH ... i really wish this was the case . i really wish life was a “ask and its given” scenario . but it isn’t !There is a serious mismatch between what we aspire and what we get . Seems bit obvious ? Well yes certainly  a mundane thought .

But  what keeps me gasping is a thought which is a step ahead of this basic 'Threshold' paradox  , which is Does the threshold belongs to all individual separately ? I mean are our abilities and reach predefined ? Are the motivational lines  ‘work hard you will get it ‘,keep aspiring big , dream king size and blah blah any close to being real or in this case natural ? Is the belief of believing in ‘believe’ a myth ? Aint we come wired just like a chip with specification sheet defining our reach ? That is, a singer is always born with a “euphony”  switch and a dancer with “ rhythmically move your butt “ switch . which makes all these guys with special abilities have their respective “shiny” switches  labelled on and off .

But then what about us ‘the mediocre’ . 

DO we have our share of switches ? Or are we fitted with ‘Just keep faith ‘ switch .Whatever the case may be the base line is from the day we fused with the egg our switches were decided , wires connected and circuitry  seal cased .And since we were deprived of those shiny switches our families tried to help us out by providing us an “aspire big “ button which is half broken and full random. We clearly have no control over the button whatsoever.

...Now what makes the switch story interesting is this pious and overstated word “ hard work “ .The word is  surely relative ;a mediocre can work hard and still lag behind the switch guy coz of the threshold he was born with . 

Hmmm... that leaves us (mediocre ) with a ‘keep believing’ button ,courtesy our parent and the word ‘hard work’. Both of which are in turn defined to make every mediocre feel special . 
So yet again a full throttle effort of mankind to overwhelm the nature.Well here i must state that this alternative mechanism of allowing a mediocre sum space(the ‘keep faith in urself’ thing ) is highly random and freakingly un helping . Which means we can sure aspire big but eventually ending up random.
So this brings us to the end where we know nature is sure biased and we mediocre are absolutely on ourselves alone Its on us to decide between the two really trash alternatives. “either be the crowd or fake special”. The other thing which i could make out is there exists a substitute of hardwork ‘ the switch’ .In fact hardwork itself is a china copy version of the switch .
Finally Based on the above theory I have decided (wondering!!!) i will continue working on my ‘ keep faith’ and ‘aspire big ‘ buttons, Who knows some day i too shall discover my own shiny ‘kik those special asses’ switch :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Best Friend !!!!!!!!!!!!!

It would take me all day
There are so many things I'd like to say.
So much to share whats in my heart
Now I wonder where to start.

There is one thing I know that's true.
I'm so blessed to have a friend like you.

You always showed me how much you care.
Thanks for always being there.

As my new life starts to unfold,
'n I am learning how to take hold.
There are times I don't know what to do,
But I know I can always turn to you.

Friendship is one of a kind,
One most people never find.
I never knew from the start,
Just how much you would touch my heart.

I'm so glad you came into my life,
You have filled it with so much delight.

It is there every time you hold my mind
the connection we have was not planned.

If the time ever come for us to part,
You'll always be right here in my heart.

Forever 'n always until the end
You'll always be my best friend... !

Monday, June 06, 2011

Forever is Beginning......!!!!!


In our life we meet people
Some we remember some we forget
Some Ordinary some extraordinary
Some honest some hypocrite

You learn something from each
Life is all about to be taught & to teach

Why we meet people I always think about it
Is it just because there is a reason behind it

Most people have a purpose for being in our lives
Some serve the purpose some gives us

Some come into our lives to cause trouble or pain
Some are there to love and treasure us, to teach us a lesson

But sometimes they're meant to pass through our lives
They can still open your mind, heart & you can feel the vibes

when you meet someone that has effected your life in any which way
it is up to us whether our lives change everlastingly

Life’s turns & twists make you dance
I wonder how ones’ fate depends on Circumstance

Every time someone walks in to our life
Realize us what is truth and what is lie

So people, do meet people
coz then only you'll be knowing
that you can befriend forever
and forever is just the beginning

P.S.  I got this idea after attending a meeting where too many nationals (Greek, Australian, American, Italian, Philippine, Egyptian, Lebanese, Arabic, etc) were discussing, arguing & sharing there thoughts. How people befriends & how they learn from each other, I noticed & that's what I tried to pen down into simple words.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

My Citation

Baseless arguments always leads people to huge embarrassing situation. One should think before talk. 

Thursday, June 02, 2011

My Citations

Sometimes we should make decisions with a childish notion but with mature minds & then the result will never be regrettable.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What does D.K Bose wants to convey.!!!

Now a days a song from 'Delhi belly' has become ear worm. Every one or the other guy is scribing about it.  Even I honestly became a fan of it & after a long time I remember the full lyrics of any song. It actually caught my attention just coz of its lyrics. There have been so many bollywood songs containing explicit language or slangs which try to catch attention but fail to enter in to the main stream.  Quite obviously, the people with conservative thinking will able to digest the lyrics & I would surely doubt that they would play this song in their room. Song is pretty outrageous, vulgar & antisocial as per few of them but …………… it like that??? I don’t think so (& I’m sorry for those who differ to think).
This song has a uniqueness that touches the heart of youth not coz it has a different lyrics but because of its genre “Punk Rock”. I feel that it somehow resembles “Green Day” don’t know I may be wrong (Mr. Ram Sampath knows it better) but that’s not the point. The genre of music fast, hard-edged symbolizes the rebellious nature of today’s fast-food generation. Song is like a challenge to those who has a traditional way of believing, comporting & living. Now have a look at the lyrics
“Toh by god lag gayi
Kya se kya hua
Dekha toh katora Jhaanka toh kuaa
Piddi jaissa chuhaa
Dum pakda toh nikla kala naag Naag naag”
just wanna convey that expected will happen unexpectedly & Murphy was & is always right.
Now in our Indian culture it is The Moral Obligation - ‘One should battle against all odds no matter what it takes. We have to fight, finally, without any guarantee that we are going to win. The only thing that a morally awake person to do when the worst thing that’s ever happened is happening is try to change those odds. This song just simply defied this view.

When your life is surrounded by misfortune, adversity, calamities, disasters & the catastrophe seems inevitable just because the society has underestimated you & your family despised you, when it is hard to get luxury & love
Arre kismat ki hai kadki, Roti Kapda aur Ladki teeno hi
Paapad belo toh miley ... ;) 
then whats’ wrong in running away. Just run away Mr. Bose. You don’t have anything to prove to anyone. Don’t let yourself be caught in frustration, don’t let you be defeated by some bunch of people who are in the state of pretending to have beliefs, opinions, virtues, feelings, qualities, or standards that one does not actually have & who makes a cage called ‘society’.
Today’s youth has a lot to resemble with this song. We youth live amongst significant dubieties. So many people telling what is right & what is not right. Whether you have liked the song or not that doesn’t matter but it will without question and beyond doubt cause to vibrate the public. This is just the beginning & many more songs like this will surely come & rock the people. So let’s sing  
Bhaag bhaag DK bose, D K bose, D K bose
bhaag bhaag DK Bose dk bhaag.... ;)

Monday, May 09, 2011

My Citations

There’s always be a room for conflict if we stick to the words “I” & “You”. Forget these words and You can see the difference.

Thursday, May 05, 2011


Mind is Master
It has the power
It models and it makes
Evermore it takes

Its a tool of thought
So many joy and ills it brought
Mind thinks in secrete 
To do something Discrete

Thoughts & Characters
You bet those are the Factor
Visions & Ideals
Makes a man real

By Practice, patience and ceaseless importunity
A Man's Mind is the builder of Destiny

Thought in the mind hath made us 
what we are
By pure thoughts Joy follow us 
as shadow for sure...!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

My Citations

Life is nothing but a collection of Unexpectedly happening expected incidences or I'd rather say accidents. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

My Citations

Happen to be a cynic is the most easy job in this world because Cynicism is an obnoxious way of saying the truth.

Monday, April 25, 2011

My Citations

Something done Selflessly Gives pure felicity!!!!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Life still Exists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gone are the days!!!!!!
When The school reopened in June, And we settled in our new desks and

When we queued up in book depot,  And got our new books and notes!

 When we wanted two Sundays and no Mondays, yet managed to line up daily for the morning prayers.

We learnt writing with slates and pencils, and Progressed To fountain pens and ball pens and then Micro tips!

When we began drawing with crayons and evolved to Color pencils and finally sketch pens!

When we started calculating first with tables and then with Clarke' s tables and advanced to
 Calculators and computers!

When we chased one another in the corridors in Intervals, and returned to the classrooms 
 Drenched in sweat!

When we had lunch in classrooms, corridors, Playgrounds, under the trees and even in cycle sheds!

When all the colors in the world, Decorated the campus on the Second Saturdays!

When a single P.T. period in the week ' s Time Table, Was awaited more eagerly than the monsoons!

When few played "kabadi" and "Kho-Kho" in scorching sun, While others simply played

"book cricket" in the

Confines of classroom!

Of fights but no conspiracies,

Of Competitions but seldom jealousy!

When we used to watch Live Cricket telecast,

In the opposite house in Intervals and Lunch breaks!

While few others had "Big Fun", "peppermint", "kulfi", " milk ice !" and "sharbat !" at 4o Clock!

Gone are the days Of Sports Day, and the annual School Day ,

And the one-month long preparations for them.

Gone are the days Of the stressful Quarterly,

Half Yearly and Annual Exams, And the most enjoyed holidays after them!

Gone are the days Of tenth and twelfth standards, when

We Spent almost the whole year writing revision tests!

We learnt,

We enjoyed,
We played,
We won,
We lost,

We laughed,
We cried,
We fought,
We thought.

With so much fun in them, so many friends, So much experience, all this and more!

Gone are the days When we used   to talk for hours with our friends!

Now we don ' t have time to say a `Hi ' !

Gone are the days When we played games on the road!

Now we Code on the road with laptop!

Gone are the days When we saw stars 
Shining at Night!

Now we see stars when our code doesn ' t

When we sat to chat with Friends on grounds!

Now we chat in chat rooms.....!

Gone are the days
Where we

studied just to pass!

Now we study to save our job!

Gone are the days
Where we had no money in our pockets and still fun filled on our hearts!!

Now we have the atm as well as credit card but with an empty heart!!

Gone are the days
Where we shouted on the road!
Now we don ' t shout even at home

Gone are the days
Where we got lectures from all!

Now we give lectures to all... like the one I ' m doing now....!!

Gone are the days

But not the memories, which will be

Lingering in our hearts for ever and ever and

Ever and ever and ever .....

Gone are the Days?. But still there are lot more Days to come in our Life!!




PS: This whole thing wasn't my idea. Got it from one of my friend's note. I liked it & thought to post it.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Stranger !!!!!!

There is someone on my gate, 

He may be real or kind,

But he does not talk my talk--
I cannot sense his mind.
I see the grimace and the looks,

and the mouth, But not the soul behind.

The men of my own pedigree,

They may do poorly or well,
But they tell the lies I am wanted to,
They are used to the lies I tell;
And we do not need advocators
When we go to buy or sell.

There is someone on my gate,

He may be evil or good,
But I cannot tell what powers command-
What reasons exponents his mood;
Nor when the Gods of his far-off land
Shall reclaim his blood.

The men of my own pedigree,

Bitter bad they may be,
But, at least, they hear the things I hear,
And fancy the things I fancy;
And whatever I think of them and their likes
They think of the likes of me.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I do I do I do........!!!!!!!

I want it to happen to me........that what happened to you
..Something have adorned in you 
If l haven't told you that l've adore you...
 ...l do
And lf l haven't told you that you are a good soul...
  ..I do.
And if l haven't told you that l admire you...
 ...l do.
And if l haven't told you that l am desirous of you...
 ...l do.
And if l haven't told you that you are my cupid...
 ...l do.
And if l haven't told you that I was doting you ...
. ...l do
And if l haven't told you that don't wanna live the rest of my life without you 
 ...l do
And if l haven't told you that God has given me a love for you
 ...l do
And l am hoping ...l am praying 
that you would be able to love me too
Oh baby... oh baby..... i love you 
I do... I do.... I do....

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mind Game!!!!!!!!!

There has been time when one feels low and depressed continuously for months. This can be happened to anyone in life. One can be feeling so low that he becomes frustrated with the life. That phase of life is really killing & creates so much negativity around that one wants effacing it.

It can be the constant battering of someone’s appearance by stupid people that is getting to. For instance, conversations about who is good looking in a group. Who is better? Who is blah blah blah?
Some one can’t help to feel depressed and jealous because he never the so called 'good looking' one. This has had a tremendous effect on.

It feels we can’t do any right and life is useless. 

It feels like there is no point to anything, that everything is just an endless cycle of routines. It’s really scary and we feel like all our motivation and enthusiasm is going away.

It hurts all the time. He doesn’t wanna cry for the way he feels inside.
The jubilations which brings smile on the face at times are now looks despicable, undesirable.

That impulsiveness kills so much that one feels so alone in the universe. Life becomes stationary, static. Things are unwilling to move in life. It got stuck at one point of times as if it was there for aeons.

A state in which everything seems wrong and will turn out badly is the phase in the life.

It’s a game that mind plays, every now and then. Bringing forth the waves of uttermost emotions, malevolence, joyousnesses. The choice lies with the person, which side does one craving to be. Either he can opt to be a miserable hopeless looser or be full of positive energy. The choice lies within. The combat have to be fought alone.