Does a flightless bird ever look up and wish to reach the sky ? Does a fluid ocean ever regret its least stable nature? Or does a mountain ,at times want to swing along the flow ? Well certainly they can’t , they cant move beyond what they actually are . Which means that there exists this most basic rule of nature which keeps everything within their deep-seated traits. A threshold like speed of light which sets the upper limit on ability and attribute !
The threshold seems true for all natural entity equally. But what about us “the humans”? Does that bar applies on us too ? Well to b frank i have serious doubt about us being natural. Except for eating food ,peeing frequently and having sex everything else has been enveloped by artificialness . well actually the basic activities motioned above too have been contaminated . So what about the bar then ? If we have moved out of the natural domain why would be under any natural threshold ? SIGH ... i really wish this was the case . i really wish life was a “ask and its given” scenario . but it isn’t !There is a serious mismatch between what we aspire and what we get . Seems bit obvious ? Well yes certainly a mundane thought .
But what keeps me gasping is a thought which is a step ahead of this basic 'Threshold' paradox , which is Does the threshold belongs to all individual separately ? I mean are our abilities and reach predefined ? Are the motivational lines ‘work hard you will get it ‘,keep aspiring big , dream king size and blah blah any close to being real or in this case natural ? Is the belief of believing in ‘believe’ a myth ? Aint we come wired just like a chip with specification sheet defining our reach ? That is, a singer is always born with a “euphony” switch and a dancer with “ rhythmically move your butt “ switch . which makes all these guys with special abilities have their respective “shiny” switches labelled on and off .
But then what about us ‘the mediocre’ .
DO we have our share of switches ? Or are we fitted with ‘Just keep faith ‘ switch .Whatever the case may be the base line is from the day we fused with the egg our switches were decided , wires connected and circuitry seal cased .And since we were deprived of those shiny switches our families tried to help us out by providing us an “aspire big “ button which is half broken and full random. We clearly have no control over the button whatsoever.
...Now what makes the switch story interesting is this pious and overstated word “ hard work “ .The word is surely relative ;a mediocre can work hard and still lag behind the switch guy coz of the threshold he was born with .
Hmmm... that leaves us (mediocre ) with a ‘keep believing’ button ,courtesy our parent and the word ‘hard work’. Both of which are in turn defined to make every mediocre feel special .
So yet again a full throttle effort of mankind to overwhelm the nature.Well here i must state that this alternative mechanism of allowing a mediocre sum space(the ‘keep faith in urself’ thing ) is highly random and freakingly un helping . Which means we can sure aspire big but eventually ending up random.
So this brings us to the end where we know nature is sure biased and we mediocre are absolutely on ourselves alone Its on us to decide between the two really trash alternatives. “either be the crowd or fake special”. The other thing which i could make out is there exists a substitute of hardwork ‘ the switch’ .In fact hardwork itself is a china copy version of the switch .
Finally Based on the above theory I have decided (wondering!!!) i will continue working on my ‘ keep faith’ and ‘aspire big ‘ buttons, Who knows some day i too shall discover my own shiny ‘kik those special asses’ switch :)